Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

(last update: Aug 2015)

We use cookies on our website. By using our website you agree to this Policy and you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this Policy.

Information we gather

The following information is gathered from our website visitors:
IP address, Log Files, Location information, Device information, Cookies and similar technologies.

How we use the information we gather

We use the information to enhance your visitor experience, to improve the website, to keep track of advertisements, to understand and save user's preferences for future visits and to compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interactions in order to offer better site experiences and tools in the future. We may also use trusted third party services that track this information on our behalf.

The people that are given access to this information

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information unless we provide you with advance notice. This does not include website hosting partners and other parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others' rights, property, or safety.

However, non-personally identifiable visitor information may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses.

The security measures we have in place to protect your personal information

Our site doesn't need an SSL certificate because we only provide articles and information, we never ask for personal or private information like email addresses, or credit card numbers.

Our use of cookies

Our website makes use of cookies which are small digital files that are stored in your web browser that enable us to track your return visits to our website.

Your browser settings may allow you to block these cookies, but we recommend you have them enabled to help us personalise your experience of our website.

Additionally, 3rd party advertisers on our site may use cookies for tracking purposes.

Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads.

Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to visitors based on their visit to sites they visit on the Internet.

Website visitors may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

The Google Analytics Advertising Features, also have been implemented to our site.

The advertising features that have been implemented are
1. Remarketing with Google AdSense
2. Google Display Network Impression Reporting
3. Demographics and Interests Reporting
4. DoubleClick Platform Integration

We and third-party vendors, such as Google use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookies) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) or other third-party identifiers together to compile data regarding user interactions with ad impressions, and other ad service functions as they relate to our website.

How does our site handle do not track signals?

We honor them and do not track, plant cookies, or use advertising when a Do Not Track (DNT) browser mechanism is in place.

The policy may be amended from time to time. When we do, we will let you know by appropriate means such as by posting the revised policy on this page with a new “Last Updated” date.

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